This project is a fully functioning calculator. It can not evaluate more than a single pair of numbers at a time. Additionally, the eval() function is not used.
This project is a fully functioning calculator. It can not evaluate more than a single pair of numbers at a time. Additionally, the eval() function is not used.
Etch-a-Sketch functions more like a paint grid. You can choose a color and paint each cell in the grid by clicking/holding the left mouse button. The same gesture with the right mouse button erases the colored in cells. Additional functionality includes resizing the grid, shading or tinting the colors, a color sampler and a fill-in an area functionality.
This is a variation of the classic game, with the same basic premise. The theme is that of the three elements; fire, water and grass. You play against a computer with both of you having 6 lives. A tie does not deduct lives.
This is a basic sign-up form that includes client-side valdiation, password matching validation and custom error messages
A full dashboard design project. It combines most of what I've learned about HTML and CCS design over the course of the previous projects but leans more on grid for its layout work. The main content highlights my previous projects with links to the preview and github pages.
Future Project Description